Hungarian Mid-Am Open Golf Championship
Local Rules and Terms of Competition effective January 2020
1. Penalties
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the penalty for breach of a local rule is a general penalty. Some local rules refer to a modified penalty structure which is defined as follows:
First Breach: Verbal warning from the rules official
Second Breach: One penalty stroke
Third Breach: General penalty (loss of hole / two penalty strokes)
Fourth Breach: Disqualification
If the breach occurs between the play of two holes the penalty applies to the next hole.
2. Code of Conduct
All players are expected to play in the spirit of the game, follow the rules and other regulations, act safely with regard to any other person on the course, show consideration to other players, play at a prompt pace, take good care of the course and conduct themselves respectfully at all times towards other players, officials and all personnel running the competition.
Penalty for Breach of Code of Conduct: See the modified penalty structure in Paragraph 1. In case of serious misconduct the Committee may disqualify the player regardless of any or none formerly applied penalty.
3. Restrictions on Use of Clubs and Balls (Rule 4.1a a 4.2a)
a) Any driver the player uses to make a stroke must have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, which is on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by The R&A.
Exception: A driver with a clubhead that was made before 1999 is exempt from this Local Rule.
Note: This Local Rule applies only to all Hungarian MidAm Golf tournaments and championship
b) Any ball used in making a stroke must be on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by The R&A.
Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: Disqualification
Note: These lists are regularly updated and made available at
4. Practicing on Course (Rule 5.2b)
A player must not practice on the competition course before or between rounds except for designated practice areas.
Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: See penalty statement in Rule 5.2b.
5. Time of Starting (Rule 5.3)
Once the entries for an individual competition are closed the Committee shall publish on the HGF’s server at 4 p.m. at the latest the list of accepted players as well as the list of substitutes with contacts and instruction on how they can apply for play should some withdrawals occur. The official starting list will be published on the HGF’s server and in the clubhouse at 4 p.m. one day prior to the first round of the competition at the latest.
6. The pace of Play (Rule 5.6b)
The Committee shall determine the total time allowed for the round and publish it on the official notice board. The first group is liable to be timed when it is in excess of the allowed time and any subsequent group is liable to be timed when it is out of position i.e. more than the starting interval behind the group in front. The players in the group which is liable to be timed may have the time for completing a stroke individually timed. The maximum time allocated per stroke is 40 seconds. 10 extra seconds are allowed for the first to play player to play: a) tee shot on a par 3 hole; b) approach shot to the green; and c) chip or putt. Timing ceases when a group is back in position and players will be advised accordingly. Players may be also timed at any time, even if their group is not out of position. In such a case the maximum time allocated per stroke is 80 seconds. Any breach of this term (bad time) by any player will be carried forward in the round even if his or her group subsequently arrives back in position or within time.
Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: See the modified penalty structure in Paragraph 1.
a) Players may not be advised that they are being timed.
b) Timings will be taken from the moment it is decided by the rules official that the player has had sufficient time to reach his or her ball, obtain and evaluate distance information, it is his or her turn to play and he or she is able to play without interference or distraction. On the putting green the player will be also given a reasonable amount of time to mark, lift, clean and replace his or her ball, repair damage to the putting green and remove interfering loose impediments from the line of play.
c) In some circumstances, an individual player or only some players in the group may be timed instead of the entire group.
d) In exceptional circumstances, the rules official may not apply the penalty.
7. Stopping and Resuming Play (Rule 5.7)
The following signals will be used by the Committee:
Immediate Stop: One prolonged note of the siren.
Normal Stop: Three consecutive notes of the siren, repeatedly.
Resume Play: Two short notes of the siren, repeatedly.
a) A player may stop play if he or she reasonably believes there is danger from lightning.
b) When play is stopped in a dangerous situation, all practice areas are immediately closed until further announcement by the Committee.
8. Caddies (Rule 10.3)
In Hungarian MidAm tournaments and championships a player is prohibited from using a professional as a caddie during the round. In team competitions, only the other players listed on the roster of the team can serve as caddies.
Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: The player gets the general penalty for each hole during which he or she is helped by a caddie in breach of this Local Rule. If the breach occurs between the play of two holes, it applies to the next hole.
9. Motorized Transportation (Rule 4.3a)
During a round, a player or caddie must not ride on any form of motorized transportation except as authorized or later approved by the Committee. A player who will play, or has played, under penalty of stroke and distance is always authorized to ride on motorized transportation.
Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: The player gets the general penalty for each hole during which there is a breach of this Local Rule. If the breach occurs between the play of two holes, it applies to the next hole.
10. Team Captain in Team Competitions (Rule 24.3 a 24.4)
Team captain:
• must be clearly identifiable while acting as a captain (e.g. by a badge)
• may give advice to all members of the team
• could be a professional
• has no captain rights while playing his or her own round
• has no captain rights while acting as a caddy
• and any other non-playing member of the team must not walk on the putting green when the ball of a team player lies on the putting green unless acting as caddies
• must not ride on any kind of motorized transportation while players of the team play their rounds except as authorized or later approved by the Committee
• cannot resign from his or her role. In exceptional circumstances and subject to approval by the Committee another person can take over his or her full responsibilities.
Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: If the breach occurs in relation with the play of a specific player or side on a particular hole (e.g. by entering the putting green to help with the reading of the putt, but not when casually crossing it), the player or the side gets the general penalty. If the breach occurs between the play of two holes, it applies to the next hole.
11. Return of Scorecards (Rule 3.3b)
The scorecard is considered returned when the competitor has left the designated area (Scoring Zone/Recording Area).
12. Decision of Ties
The method for deciding ties is provided in the relevant Terms of Competition. Unless specified otherwise there will be a sudden-death play-off for the first place, all other ties will be decided by matching scorecards for better last 36, 18, 9, 6, 3, and 1 hole or by a lot.
13. Results of Match or Competition
A result of a match is deemed final when the result sheet has been handed over to an authorized Committee member. Results of a stroke play competition are deemed final when the prize-giving ceremony for the category in question has taken place. The stroke play phase of the team competition is deemed final when the last round of that phase has been technically closed on the HGF’s server.
14. Out of Bounds
a) Where out of bounds is defined by white stakes or fence posts (excluding angled supports) the line joining the nearest course-side points at the ground level of such stakes or posts defines the boundary.
b) Where out of bounds is defined by white line the course-side of the line defines the boundary.
c) Where out of bounds is defined by a road, wall, building, or other similar objects the course-side edge of such object at the ground level defines the boundary. A ball coming to rest on or beyond any road or wall defining the out of bounds is out of bounds, even if it comes to rest on another part of the course that is in bounds for other holes.
15. Penalty Areas
a) When it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball is in a red penalty area for which the Committee has allowed a relief at the opposite edge of the penalty area, the player may take relief under Rule 17.1d, or, as an extra relief option adding one penalty stroke, the player may drop the original ball or another ball on the opposite side of the penalty area:
Reference Point: The estimated point on the opposite edge of the penalty area that is the same distance from the hole as the estimated point where the original ball last crossed the edge of the red penalty area.
Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: Two club-lengths, but with these limits:
Limits on Location of Relief Area:
Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and
May be in any area of the course except the same penalty area, but
If more than one area of the course is located within two club-lengths of the reference point, the ball must come to rest in the relief area in the same area of the course that the ball first touches when dropped in the relief area.
b) Where the penalty area immediately adjoins the out of bounds, the edge of the penalty area coincides with the boundary of the course.
c) When it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball is in a red penalty area and the ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area at a point that coincides with the boundary of the course, the player may take relief under the Local Rule above.
d) When it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball is in a penalty area for which there has been defined a dropping zone, the player may take relief under Rule 17.1d, or, as an extra relief option adding one penalty stroke, the player may drop the original ball or another ball in the dropping zone.
16. Ground under Repair
a) Any area encircled by a white line or marked by blue stakes.
b) All areas on the course marked as GUR.
c) Turf cuts covering cables or ditches for them.
d) Seams of cut turf and cracks in the ground in the general area are ground under repair. If it interferes with the lie of the ball or player’s area of intended swing the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b. But interference does not exist if the seam or crack only interferes with the player’s stance. All seams and cracks within the same area are treated as one in taking relief. This means that if a player has interference from any seam or crack after dropping the ball, the player must proceed as required under Rule 14.3c(2) even when the ball is still within one club-length of the reference point.
e) Holes left by movable obstructions in the general area.
f) French drains (stone or gravel filled drainage ditches).
g) Erosional damage in bunkers caused by running water (wash-outs).
h) Any area of ground that is considered by the rules official abnormal.
i) Relief is available for lie of ball or area of intended swing from any painted yardage spot situated in any closely mown area in the general area.
17. Animal Holes Rule
17.1 is modified in this way: Interference does not exist if an animal hole only interferes with the player's stance.
18. Immovable Obstructions
a) White-lined areas adjoining any immovable obstruction are considered part of that obstruction.
b) Decorative landscaped areas (flowerbeds/shrubberies and the like) surrounded by an obstruction are part of that obstruction.
c) Secured mats and plastic cable ramps covering cables are immovable obstructions.
d) Drainage channels that are made of artificial materials and run next to cart paths are treated as immovable obstructions in the general area and are part of the cart path. A player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b.
19. Loose Impediments
Unless stated otherwise, the mulch bark areas anywhere on the course do not offer any kind of free relief. Individual pieces of the mulch bark are loose impediments.
20. Integral Objects
a) Wires, cables, wrappings, and other objects closely attached to trees or other permanent objects on the course.
b) Retaining artificial walls and pilings when located in penalty areas.
c) Bunker liners in their intended position.
21. Permanent and Temporary Lines and Cables
If a player’s ball hits a permanent or temporary elevated line or cable, the stroke does not count. The player must play a ball without penalty from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6). Other parts (e.g. power poles) are immovable obstructions.
Exception: If a ball hits an elevated junction section of cable rising from the ground, the stroke counts and the ball must be played as it lies.
22. Temporary Immovable Obstructions (TIO)
The status of individual obstructions is decided by the Committee. TIOs are typically but not necessarily or exclusively: advertising boards situated close to the teeing ground, TV towers, viewer stands, or scoreboards. If an obstruction has been declared as TIO the Model Local Rule F-23 applies
Note: If a player takes relief from TIO for which a dropping zone has been established, he or she may, as an additional option, drop a ball in the nearest dropping zone, without penalty.
23. Dropping Zones
When a player takes relief by dropping a ball in a dropping zone, the dropping zone is his or her relief area and Rule 14.3 applies (the ball must be dropped in the dropping zone and must come to rest in the dropping zone). If the dropping zone is marked by a line, the line itself is part of the dropping zone.