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Meghívó a Dutch MidAm Openre

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Nagyon kedves invitálást kaptunk a holland MidAm Open szervezőitől!

Október 18-19-én rendezik meg a The Dutch International Open Mid-Amateur Championship-et, október 17-i gyakorlónappal, melyre szeretettel várják a magyar midam játékosokat is.

Hendikep limit: 12,4 a férfiaknak és 14,8 a hölgyeknek

A golfpálya csupán 20 percnyi autóútra található Amszterdamtól. További információkat a linkre kattintva lehet elérni:

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Between 18th and 19th of October The Dutch International Open Mid-Amateur Championship will be organized, which is the season ending event for mid amateurs in Europe. All Hungarian MidAm players are warmly welcome.

It's ideal to bring your partner, a caddy or even better, enter together! (please note that the handicap limit is 12.4 for men and 14.8 for women). Practice day is available on Thursday, 17th of October.

The golf course is only 20 minutes from downtown Amsterdam, the beach, as well as other great places to visit. So, add a couple of days if you feel like. They have a fantastic offer for the tournament including very sharp priced hotel accommodation on the golf course. Please have a look at the 'Hotel tournament packages' below, or on the web site.

Despite October, last year the weather was good enough to play short sleeved, weather forecast for this year looks promising as well.

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